Relocating or starting a business?

Marketing strategy
determining what, where and how we promote
Analytics and scaling
studying the results and scaling the most successful hypotheses
Promotion with clear KPI
using only the tools that bring the desired result
Sales and awareness
monitoring the ROL cost per lead and per sale
About us
We value our employees. On average, each team member has been operating in the agency for at least 3 years, gaining experience and sharing it with new specialists
Our employees regularly attend conferences and take training courses to keep abreast of the latest trends and promotion methods, and they are skilled at creating unique branding solutions based on previous cases
Strong team
Over 17 years
of skilled experts
of experience in PR and DIGITAL
At least 3 years
More than 5
expertise of our employees
specialists will be working
on your project
We will help you to achieve leadership in your segment due to an integrated and systematic approach to promotion
Our services
Strategy development
Targeting in the social media
Web development
Contextual advertising in search engines
Influence marketing
PR promotion
Performance marketing
Content marketing
Photo and video shooting
We will help you to achieve leadership in your segment due to an integrated and systematic approach to promotion
Our advertising
helps to |
Get your free audit
We will analyze your promotion and content marketing strategy and identify problem areas and growth points
Strategy development
We will describe in detail who your customer is and where to find one, revealing purchasing triggers and stop factors
Better understanding
of your target audience
Mission, Big Idea, USP and your advantages – we will develop them and teach you how to put them into practice
Clear company positioning
We will set up a sales funnel and analyze the most efficient advertising techniques
Promotion tools
We will prepare guidelines for your employees on how to reach a new sales level
Action plan
Social networking
We will adapt the content to your business location and target audience. We manage both Russian and English accounts. We develop a content plan and set up a sales funnel based on the customer journey

As a result, you get a loyal audience, better brand awareness and more sales via content marketing
Contextual advertising
We will launch advertising in Google and Yandex search engines, engage with advertising networks or broadcast your video via YouTube
Targeted advertising
We will find your customer on Instagram or Facebook: we will create a portrait of your target audience, test the hypotheses on potential purchasing interests and triggers, set up a sales funnel and scale the most successful advertising campaigns
Influence marketing
We will find bloggers and influencers with similar values who are ready to cooperate and develop an ambassadorship or payment mechanism based on sales via referral links
Get your free audit
Contact us
Julia Mohova Digital-Agency